Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Things have been crazy busy around here, so hence the belated updates!

I have posted some fabulous photos of a workshop I attended by Kathy Soucie, of Sans Soucie Clothing and Textile Design. It was a fantastic class on what is called Subtractive Cutting, a garment pattern cutting technique developed by Julian Roberts. I won't list all the ins and outs of it, but I will say its an incredibly intuitive process and creates really sculptural unique garments. Definitely worth learning, especially for those of us who dislike the "pattern" in pattern drafting.

Here is Julian Roberts' site: http://www.julianand.com/school/THEBANANAMILKSHAKE.htm

Of course everything Kathy creates is always fantastic and her teaching skills are no different. Was a really fun, relaxing and playful workshop, with easy to understand instructions on what could have been very confusing material.

This is Kathy's website: http://www.sanssoucie.ca/

I highly recommend checking her out. Her stuff is amazing and her success well deserved.

Am heading into tech week for the show I'm designing, so I'll have some great photos of that to post within the next week or so!

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