Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's been awhile....

Yes, my bad, its been forever since I've posted, but its been a busy summer full of great stuff. New jobs, house reno's, festivals (too many to keep up with!) and great weather!
I'm posting a few photos of the jousting match at the Renaissance Festival out in Langley. It goes on every summer and is a nice day trip. The jousting definitely is the highlight for me, but there is also an on-going story line that is acted out throughout the weekend by Renaissance garbed actors. Pretty fun, pretty grass roots, low budget. There are also some fun games, aimed mostly at kids, but personally, there is no greater satisfaction than "shooting the nobles of the little castle" target game played with plastic guns loaded with little plungers...juvenile, I know, but there it is.

I'm so loving the jousting armour, the one gal made hers completely out of recycled material. I believe there was a kitchen sink involved. Seriously. Some great innovation.

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