Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fashion Week, etc, etc!

Hi there, its been ridiculously long since I've last posted so scroll down, there are new posts and tons of, Halloween, etc.
Took in an evening of fashion week shows here in Vancouver and had a fantastic time! There was work from many talented designers, including a gal who went to school at a college I used to work at. I was so thrilled for her! I thought the work was familiar, then I recognized a dress she worked on in class. So fantastic. She got a great write up in the Georgia Straight a week or so ago too. Dream Isabella.....keep your eyes open for her....
There was a really great mix of wearables and more conceptual pieces throughout the show, and some I was less than impressed with. Taking photos was a little tricky, I wound up with the backs of peoples heads more often than not. I tried to get a few of the more interesting pieces, I think my favourite line of the night included the fencing masks....very cool. So hard to keep up trying to take pictures and notes on my iphone! I won't even attempt to line up which designer belongs with what line!
Here's what I got:

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