Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well, here it is, actual proof that I am riding my scooter! I still haven’t taken it above 2nd gear around the ‘hood’ but I’m hoping for better later today. Its raining, but I suppose I have to learn to ride in that too....I took motorcycle lessons, which went, well, how do I put it...the program would’ve been better suited to someone who isn’t me. The classroom stuff and the parking lot rides all were great (despite me dumping the bike 5 times in one day) but when it was time for the road ride...well, it was dark and raining and a bike I had never been on before, and thats when I called it. It all went way too fast for me. Most of the guys in the group all had some experience riding, I had zero, and really no great desire to ride a motorcycle, just really want to be able to ride my scooter without being a hazard....Heres keeping my fingers crossed that I will actually become proficient at this one day.

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