Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Great news from my amazing entertainment diva friend! The Vivian Girls are gracing Vancouver on February 12th at the Biltmore Cabaret. Yippee, tix are $13- at Scratch, Red Cat, Zulu and Ditch (Victoria) Records, or on-line at: www.ticketweb.ca
Can't wait.
I have been working madly the last couple weeks and hope to have some post-worthy imagery sometime soon! The costume design I'm on right now seems to be off to a slow start, but they always do start out that way...the calm before everyone checks their watch and all hell breaks loose! Actually, it isn't a huge show, so, shouldn't get too crazy, knock wood. Have begun weaving on that tapestry commission I wish I could give more details about, but regardless, I'm thrilled to be on the loom again. I forgot how totally at peace I am while working on the loom. I should be on this particular job until July. I hope I'll be able to share more at some point, if not now, then later into July.
I'm adding a recent sketch of mine. The image is comprised of small dots. It's based on a few of the Gestalt principals of perception: closure, proximity/similarity and continuation.
Will be looking for you at the Vivian's show!:)

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