Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Huge news people, and I for one am losing my shit over it.
There is a buzz that I have read about that says that Aerosmith is looking for a new front man...who is the new possibility?
Sweet mother of god, say it isn't so! Please Billy, please, don't tie yourself to that sinking ship. I will do whatever it takes, buy and re-buy every album you ever made, I'll make all my friends do the same, but please, please don't sell yourself down the river like that. I'm usually all about change, keeps things interesting and the inspiration flowing, but...I don't know if I can handle this one.

I'm leaving you with a video of Billy covering "Don't you Forget About Me" by the Simple Minds. Anyways, some fantastic shots of our man through the ages...some of which I had plastered over my bedroom walls....and ceiling....sigh....
Here's keeping our fingers crossed that Billy Idol will still exist musically as a single entity!

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